Recent Activities
Conferences and Workshops that I have participated or will participate recently:
Banff workshop:
Trends in Applied Harmonic Analysis , Banff International Research Station
for Mathematical Innovation and Discovery, Canada, Sept 23-28, 2007.
Newton Institute Conference:
Effective Computational Methods for Highly Oscillatory Problems:
The Interplay between Mathematical Theory and Applications,
Newton Institute, Cambridge University, Cambridge, UK, July 2-6, 2007
International Conference on Spectral and High Order Methods (ICOSAHOM07),
Beijing, China, June 18-22, 2007
The Third International Conference on Computational Harmonic Analysis,
Fudan University, Shanghai, China, June 18-22, 2007
International Workshop on Multiscale Analysis and Applications,
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Dec. 18-22, 2006
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